On 9 November 2022, the second virtual Tech Talk Germany took place. Twenty-three lawyers from various practice groups provided an overview of important legal changes and developments in the technology sector and presented valuable insights on general hot topics. The event was well received and had a total of 110 participants.

We would like to share videos and presentations for each of the sessions. Please click below to access them:

Session 1: Whistleblowing

Speakers: Nicolai Behr, Katja Häferer, Florian Tannen

Session 2: Sanktionen

Speakers: Tobias Höfling, Alexander Ehrle

Session 3: EU- „Daten“-Initiativen - Überblick

Speakers: Holger Lutz, Tobias Born, Johannes Döveling

Session 4: Metaverse - ausgewählte Fragen

Speakers: Manuel Lorenz, Andreas Jagusch

Session 5: Nachhaltigkeit

Speakers: Johannes Teichmann, Anahita Thoms

Session 6: Cybersecurity und Datenschutzrecht

Speakers: Michaela Nebel, Michael Schmidl

Session 7: Tech Transaktionen/M&A - Trends und Datenschutzüberlegungen

Speakers: Claire Dietz-Polte, Christian Vocke, Nadine Neumeier

Session 8: Tech & Steuerrecht

Speakers: Florian Gimmler, Jochen Meyer-Burow, Ariane Schaaf, Justus Eisenbeiß

Session 9: Update internationales Datenschutzrecht

Speakers: Lothar Determann und Michaela Nebel